Τετάρτη 3 Δεκεμβρίου 2014

Vladamir Putin’s Heartwarming Tale/Speech about his Love of Judaism

''will tell you a small story, which took place in St Petersburg about 50 years ago. A young non-Jewish boy grew up in a very poor family. Those times, most people lived in communal apartments, which had different rooms for families and shared kitchen and living area.

This boy had poor parents who were barely home. He was fortunate that a neighbouring family from another room in the apartment started inviting him over. The father was a professor who helped him with his homework, they babysat for him. He was a young boy.

The family, who was Jewish, also invited him for the Friday night Shabbat meals. He remembers how they used to take out an old book and read from this book after the meal.'' 
Excerpt from famous Vladimir Putin speech to Zionist Russian Society.